Title: Son of Angel Series: SONS Book 2 Author: Kailee Reese Samuels Genre: Dark Suspense Release Date: January 11, 2019 Dark. Mysterious. Sexy. Devious. Ruthless. Composed. They are the sons of Gods and Kings set on ruling the world their way, and Dom Gennaro is the enigma. Older. Well-refined. Polished. Keeping secrets safe within, he never cracks in their turbulent world. But when an unexpected visitor shows up at his doorstep, Dom discovers that revealing the truth may be his only option. And she––his greatest weakness. With unprecedented candor, Dom steps from the shadows to show he is more than just another son. Proving how alluring restraint can be, Dom promises a past worth marveling and a toe-curling, lip biting future. Expect the unexpected in this brash look at the men of The Unholy. Fall for the bad boys in the SONS: Deacon Cruz (Saint), Dom Gennaro (Angel), Nick Cristos (Cirque), and Sal Raniero (Master) as t...