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Showing posts with the label Micaden's Madness

#NewRelease #KindleUnlimited ☛ Micaden's Madness by Author V.F. Mason

#NewRelease ➙ Micaden's Madness by V.F. Mason

Review: Micaden's Madness by V.F. Mason

Micaden's Madness by V.F. Mason My rating: 4 of 5 stars "Obsession and insanity go hand in hand." My heart is pounding and just No! I had to set the book down and step back a couple times - I couldn't breath Micaden and Emerald's story was an encompassing and potent tale told in both pov's. Mason exquisitely implemented this dark psychological tale bringing the reader in and captivating them from the opening page to the closing. The storyline has multiple timelines, don't worry it is easy to follow -We travel via "the book" through Emerald's past as she slowly regains some of her memories that were lost in the accident - this gives us just enough sustenance to give the presence some foundation. Then there are the times we spend with Brochan and his memories, this is where we find ourselves catapulted into a tailspin of angst and darkness. Micaden holds most of the present with a few glimpses of how and why he came to be....