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Showing posts with the label Jo Michaels

Vanquished (Angels and Vampires Book 1) by Jo Michaels

Gray is the New Black (Guerrilla Grannies Book 1) By Jo Michaels

Manipulation (Pen Pals and Serial Killers) by Jo Michaels ➜ #ReviewTour

#CoverReveal #PreOrder → Chasing Souls (Tala Prophecy Second Generation) by Jo Michaels

Review: Innocent by Jo Michaels

Innocent by Jo Michaels What a fun way to get a taste of an author's writing style. Michaels is a new author for me (obviously) and Innocent was offered as a free short story, so I figured why not? I found I really enjoyed the narrative, the writing style and the little twists. I will be seeking more from this author. Before you jump in know this is a short story - The kind that gets the reader fully engaged, sets up all kinds of questions then even with a closing leaves you asking yourself Huh? Who? And a bit upset you don't have all the answers. That being said the fact you were engaged and want more is a positive point to the authors ability to write. Just a thought On my tablet full review to follow View all my reviews

#NewRelease #Free ➙ Innocent (Pen Pals and Serial Killers) by Jo Michaels