Title: The Enchanted Crossroads
Author: Dora Blume
Series: Enchanted By The Craft #1
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Cover Designer: M.B. Martin of MBM Designs
Release Date: April 30th
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Would you give up everything to save the world?
Kaira lived a normal existence in Minneapolis, MN. One night she met a mysterious man, she was instantly attracted to her. She couldn’t explain it, but she wanted him. Leif drove her safely home from the bar. Entering her apartment, she was attacked.
Morrigans were after her. Leif came to her rescue but at what cost? She wasn’t willing to give up her life as a lawyer to fight Morrigans. She didn’t care about her power or Leif trying to help her understand the new magical world. She wanted no part of it. She saved people in her own way, as a lawyer, fighting against the Opioid crisis.
Hecate, the Goddess of Mages, came to give her a choice. She was born a descendant of the Goddess and only her and her four siblings could end the God, Morrigan’s destruction of good witches everywhere.
Was she willing to give up her whole life for the cause? Would she give up Leif to go back to her normal life?
Read the gripping first instalment of the Enchanted by the Craft Series.
Dora Blume is a middle school English teacher by day, writer by night. Dora has a Master’s in English studies. She lives in Cannon Falls, MN with her two small dogs, Jack and Bailey. In her sister time, she reads books, lots of books.
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