Title: The One & Only
Series: The One Love #1
Series: The One Love #1
Author: Maria La Serra
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Maria La Serra
Release Date: March 8, 2019
Cover Design: Maria La Serra
Release Date: March 8, 2019
Two New York editors
learn that their office feud and love-hate feelings could be the perfect way to
find the love that they both have been looking for—that is if they don't kill
each other first.
Staci Cortés is a
dating columnist at a popular New York magazine and trying her best to get her
love life in order. Greg McAdams—the one person in the world that Staci cannot
stand—is a writer for a metropolitan men's magazine, the son of her boss, and
sits right across the hall from her. So when Staci is promoted to a brand new
online magazine venture with a new co-editor she is beyond ecstatic, until she
learns that her new partner is none other than Greg.
As the two struggle
to get along and work together on their coop-editorial pieces, they both
realize that there is more to the other than meets the eye. A charming story
about forgiveness, compromise, and the ups-and-downs of an in-office
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Author Bio
A Montréalaise who used to be a fashion designer before
becoming a writer. She will try everything at least once—except for skiing,
hiking, camping, or anything relating to activities done in the great outdoors.
When she’s not working on her next book, you could find her spending time with
her husband and kids.
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