Title: Blood Moon Magic
Series: Elements of Twilight #1
Author: Isobelle Carmichael
Genre: Adult Paranormal Harem Romance
Release Date: March 4, 2019
And it's up to me to save them
Even if it means going to extremes.
As the future alpha,
Duty is the code I live by.
And now it’s time to make a choice.
Crossbreed or die.
I agreed to the Claiming ceremony,
but under my own terms.
With an insatiable hunger,
My raging wolf has ideas of her own.
And Five, sexy, dragon mates are what she craves.
All five are delicious and irresistible.
Why choose one mate
When all five make me yearn for more?
After all, the fate of the race lies in my hands,
And I plan to keep those hands very busy.
Blood Moon Magic is the 1st in the Elements of Twilight series. This is a #whychoose style novel. These books have potentially triggering elements and explicit scenes. This book has FMMMM, light MM, BDSM, torture, and dark themes.
🐺 and 🐲 and 🧙♀️ Oh My!
This is a reverse harem romantic suspense
I can't think of anything that doesn't happen within these pages
Betrayal and Envy - Kidnapping and Torture
Lust (lots of lust) and Love - Greed and Manipulation - Power struggles and let us not forget all the secondary story lines taking place.
Carmichael has crafted quite the inventive universe with Blood Moon Magic. It has shifters and witches and magic and the mundane. Her characters were well crafted - each was given a vibrant personality that not only complimented the story line but also appeals to the reader.
Definitely entertains and engages.
This is a first in series and Carmichael doesn't hold back - she just throws her readers in the deep end and occasionally tosses you a preserver only to rip it away a chapter later - I'm serious -
This starts out a bit slow but IMO it is a bit necessary. There are a lot of details and background information that the reader needs to be able to immerse themselves in the multitude of plot lines as well as to connect to the various characters and personalities that make up the cast. It isn't just Abby and her men, though they hold the spotlight, who take starring roles in this series. With the setting up of breadcrumb trails for future plot lines, it is a bit of information to put in one book - it works - I would rate this as an easy read because it is easy to follow what is happening even with all the "No" and "WTH" moments
I did have a bit of problem with some of the characters regarding their maturity level, they are in their late 20's early 30's but at times they act like teenagers. There are a couple of scenes that IMO needed a bit more enlightenment- Scenes where past experiences and traumas were brought to light, The why of the Elders? Pack law which seemed one-sided (You have to read I do not want to risk spoilers). To me these are important details that molded the character into who he/she was.I also have questions about the "darkness" Why? How? Origination?
I am looking forward to book two to see what direction the author takes us
I'm Isobelle, a writer from Northern Virginia. I've been reading and writing for as long as I can remember. However, it wasn't until I crossed in that magical world known as my 30's that I shook off the last vestiges of fear and dove head first into my writing career. I started writing in September 2018 and fell in love. I hope you enjoy my stories because I pour a piece of myself into every page. I started this journey as a passion project, and to prove myself right.. Everyone deserves to live out there dreams. When not writing I'm also a fan of cooking, musical theatre and spoiling my dog. I love reverse harem, dark paranormal, urban fantasy and fantasy. I listen to my muse and write what she gives me.
My fondest wish is to write for all sorts of different people. I want to be very inclusive in my writing because I feel like there’s a place for that. I think that everybody should be able to pick up a book and find somebody they identify with. I want to write characters that are real, even if they’re in a fantastical world. Which means, touching on subjects that might be disturbing to some, but is a way of life to others. Life isn't all rainbows and lollipops. We have to go through a storm once in a while. That's what makes the reward sweeter!
#BloodMoonMagic #AdultParanormal #ReverseHarem
#BloodMoonMagicRelease #IsobelleCarmichaelRelease #ElementsOfTwilight
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