Title: His Salvation
Series: Cavalieri Della Morte Series
Author: Claire Marta
Genre: Romance Suspense
Release Date: April 25, 2019
She helps me out of fear--an innocent snatched up in my bid to escape. I can’t let her live because she’s seen my face.
No survivors. No witnesses. That’s a code I live by and one I’ve always upheld. Yet when it comes to my petal, she makes me hesitate.
I want to taste her and make her mine in the most primitive way. Ravage her. Devour her. Allowing my need for her to take hold
Unsure of who to trust, I feel the enemy closing in. I should set her free, but I can't. I’ll discover who has a price on my head and I'll end them, meeting blood with blood, and bullet with bullet.
Would she still want me when she sees me kill? Or will it scare her off for good?
“Wow! His Salvation was an incredibly entertaining, fast paced, thrilling ride!” - Goodreads Review
“His Salvation is a sinfully, delicious dark thriller with mystery, suspense, action packed drama and sizzling scenes.” - Beyond the Covers Blog
“Omg Claire!!! 5* is not even a drop in the ocean for what this book deserves.” - Goodreads Review
Wait for it
Kay is a bit different than the other men we have met so far in the Cavalieri Della Morte series
He is like a void - and not in the way of the assassin- it was like he was just empty - he just lacked.
In the first few chapters I really couldn't connect with him but that changed as the story progressed and Kay finds there is still something worth fighting for
Eve is his polar opposite - She is vibrant and loving and damned determined to escape him. I really enjoyed her tenacity even when she knew her chances were slim and none.
We open with death and destruction (like it would be any other way) and it only gets better.
Prepare yourself for one "oh hell no" revelation after another
Lots of twists, betrayal, angst, and forgiveness
A native Brit, I live in Italy with my husband and daughter. When I am not writing and drinking copious amounts of tea, I enjoys taking photos of my adoptive country, trying to stay fit with running, reading amazing books and being a stay at home mother.
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