Title: Back for More
Author: Kayley Loring
Genre: Contemporary Romance/
Steamy Romantic Comedy
Steamy Romantic Comedy
Release Date: July 18, 2019
When I was a kid, my dad was the gardener for
the richest man in town. His daughter, Lily Barnes, told me she could never
like a guy like me. Then she kissed me and told me it would never happen again.
When it happened again, she told me she could never love me because she was
going to leave this place, and I would never leave my dad.
We were never quite friends, not exactly
enemies, and we could never quite stop secretly kissing each other.
She never said goodbye before running off to
try to make it as an actress. That was her dream, and I wanted her to chase it.
Okay, maybe I hated her for it, just a little.
Now she’s back, with no money and even more
A lot has changed around here…except for my
hidden feelings about Lily Barnes.
So, it turns out I’m a terrible actress and
now I’m back!
When my father offers me a job at his company,
I actually think he’s finally decided I’m worthy of one day taking over the
family business. Imagine my surprise when I find out that the gardener’s son is
the one who’s being groomed to take over, and I’ve been assigned to work for
Wes Carver has always been rich in confidence
and abs, but now he’s rich in everything, including disdain for yours truly.
If he thinks I’m not built to work, he’s
If he thinks he can boss me around just
because he’s my boss, he’s delusional.
If he thinks I’m still the girl who could
never love him…I may be a better actress than anyone thought.
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Author Bio
Loring has, until recently, been a borderline workaholic living in Los
Angeles. In the summer of 2017 she moved to a beautiful suburb of
Portland, Oregon. She can now breathe clean air while enjoying the great
outdoors and drive around without swearing at strangers. It’s pretty
When not
writing funny sexy sweet romantic comedy novels, she can happily channel her
obsessive energies into plant hoarding, book hoarding, and staring at male
models on Instagram (for research!). The rest of the time, she’s
painting, feeding animals, eating her way through Portland with friends,
cursing the many hours it takes to work off those delicious Portland meals, and
trying to make her gosh darned wavy hair behave itself.
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