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Here Comes Earth a Science Fiction Series by William Lee Gordon

Here Comes Earth Book 1 
by William Lee Gordon 
Genre: Science Fiction 

Where did mankind really come from? Why are we here?

We can’t understand the past until we embrace the future.

These critical mysteries take center stage as Earth emerges into a Galactic Society that is far more perilous than anyone could have imagined. Our history is far more complicated than we could have known. Can a few brilliant minds find a way out for Earth?

One saving grace is that there are those that believe ancient clues foretell that Earth has a destiny, and if we can survive our present difficulties we might just find out what that destiny is…

Dr. Mark Spencer was a young and up and coming history and anthropology professor who was all too familiar with what happens to less advanced civilizations when suddenly exposed to others of considerably higher technology. There’s only one survivor and the culture witnessing magic isn’t it.

When modern day Earth suddenly finds itself on the losing end of that proposition a team of the world’s best scientists is put together to find a solution.

Of course the advanced society being friendly, Earth’s citizens uniting, and the world’s politicians working together for the common good would help tremendously, but… what if none of that were true? 

Here Comes Earth Book 2 

The Galaxy is Filled with Humans… They Know More about Our Past than We Do…

Some will Fight for Us; Some will try to Destroy Us… Earthers are Special; But do we Really Want our Destiny?

Mark and Julie are brilliant scientists and Major Reagan has kept them and others alive to this point, but the most dangerous confrontations will not be with the Noridians, it will be with the Lower Houses of The Accord.

Destiny is a thought-provoking journey that will cause you to inspect your basic values. From what it really means to be human to wondering if there’s room in the universe for God.

It’s also a fun read. 

Here Comes Earth Book 3 

The Long-Awaited Conclusion to the HERE COMES EARTH Series...

Earth's Diaspora is well underway and the colonies are flourishing. There are Dynasties of The Accord, however, that resent Earth's expansion. Charli Morgan and Lucca Spelini each lead their respective teams from colony to colony, preventing interference and keeping the peace.

Standing up to the Dynasties is one thing, but what happens when Lower Houses of The Accord start butting in?

Dr. Mark Spencer hasn't been heard from in years until he suddenly shows up one day. The news he brings... isn't good. 

Excerpt – HCE: EMERGENCE (book 1)

Operation: Broken Star


Classification: Ultra Secret Black Diamond Authorization Status: Approved Operational Priority: Level 1

(Excerpt from the report of the lead investigation team for the US Government):

What precipitated the Crazies was the most significant, shocking, bizarre, and tragic event in
human history…

By 2014, the U.S. government had finally authorized the privatization of boosting cargoes into low earth orbit (LEO). Over the next decade as costs came down and commercial demands for low gravity, perfect vacuum manufacturing environments rose, several multi-national corporations cooperated in replacing the International Space Station with the world’s first truly permanent space station, Laze Fair One. Home to almost 300 people, the huge construction was mankind’s greatest achievement and source of pride – until it disappeared.

It didn’t break up. It didn’t crash or burn-up in reentry. It just… disappeared. Telemetry monitoring stations sounded ‘lost signal’ alarms designed to warn bored technicians to pay better attention and re-align their dishes… all to no avail. The station was simply gone.

It was almost two full days later that weak communications signals started coming in to radio receivers all over the planet. On open circuits with the whole world listening, station personnel reported an incredible story that was only believed because of the accompanying video, telemetry, and the 54 minute 12 second delay in two-way communications; the station was now in orbit around Neptune.

The station was designed to be as self-sufficient as possible, but at 30 AU from the sun and with solar panels designed to operate at only one AU (note: one AU = the distance from the Earth to the Sun), battery charge that was critical for heating, carbon dioxide scrubbers, and other life-

support dwindled quickly. Top priority was given to reporting how an alien spacecraft had appeared next to the station, somehow ‘bubbled’ it and then proceeded to tow it (at incredible speed, invisibly, and with no change in inertia), and then abandon it at Neptune.

There was no possibility of rescue.

Once all the data, subjective observations, and informed speculation had been transmitted from the station, the remaining few hours were spent with 279 people each taking time to tell the rest of us goodbye. It is this investigator’s recommendation that when the world gets around to erecting a memorial, this should be a looped video memoriam.

Additional Data:
(Highly Classified – Unknown to the public)

Major David Johansen, second in command of the station, managed to transmit a short burst of encrypted data using a cipher that was only known to a close friend back on Earth. In this burst, Commander Imbibe and Major Johansen forwarded a video communication that was received by the station immediately before the alien ship left them at Neptune. This transmission was received over the Commander’s supposedly secure emergency channel. Fortunately, no other station personnel were aware of the message or its contents. It was only 23 seconds long, but what was interesting was that the background contained voices of what was unmistakably a heated disagreement. Everything in that background was unintelligible and definitely of an unknown language. The foreground was dominated by the head and shoulders of an apparent female human being that mouthed one word before signing off. It was Commander Imbibe’s opinion (which has subsequently been verified to 87% accuracy by linguistic experts) that the one word mouthed by the alien was, “sorry.”

Subsequent Events:
(Highly Classified – Unknown to the public)

The leadership of six different countries (see addendum III) have been contacted by representatives of the same race that abducted our space station. Citing another faction of their race as the culprits of the abduction, this faction offers peace and friendship.

Mission Stipulation:
Despite appearances, this race is deemed alien with unknown intentions.

Mission Mandate:
A multi-national team is to be assembled under the mission name: Broken Star. It is the mandate of this team to travel to the home worlds of the aliens and evaluate:
-          The scope and sincerity of the offer.
-          How advanced (in technology years) this civilization is.
-          Identify and prioritize desirable technologies.
-          The cost and limits (if any) on technology transfers.

-          Identify what we have (if anything) that they                              want?

Character Depth Is an Integral Part of the Here Comes Earth Story

I’d like to think that the Here Comes Earth series offers a grand storyline piqued with mystery and epic in scope… but the biggest reason for its success might lie with the depth of its characters.

Dr. Mark Spencer is highly intelligent and the embodiment of nonconformist individualism. He is confident without being arrogant and his stubborn insistence on keeping his own counsel is softened by his ethics, sense of humor, and the loyalty he gives to those he deems worthy.

Major Mathew Reagan’s strongest attribute is his leadership. He carries a wisdom earned from a lifetime of sacrifice to duty and an acceptance of his roll in the scheme of things. What makes him special is his willingness to think outside the box as long as the ends justify the means. When all of the protagonists in Here Comes Earth are tempted and challenged, he is the rock they look to for protection and grounding.

Dr. Julie Schein is a strong woman; a noted psychiatrist that fully understands her own inner flaws of insecurity. Never timid, she is the voice of reason and censure… and is beloved for it.

It is the interaction of these three protagonists that give Here Comes Earth its flavor. It is their flaws that provide humor and an additional layer of suspense, and their differing strengths that provide hope and satisfaction.

William Lee Gordon is the author of six Best Selling sci fi novels. He also writes political non-fiction under the pen name of StressFreeBill. With the realism of hard science, he loves writing action-filled adventures that keep readers turning the pages. 

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