Title: Scream Queens: A Horror Anthology for Put The Nail In It
Contributing Authors: Ally Vance, Faith Ryan, Emery LeeAnn, Michelle Brown, Krystle Able, JM Walker, Virginia Lee Johnson, Shannon Youngblood, Willow Ridley, and Taryn Steele
Release Date: May 1, 2020
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In our world, there’s No Escape from the Silence. You can try Breaking Glass, but once you are Suspended in Blood there’s no way out. Hopefully you have an Alibi when you run away from the Silent Screams that fill the night.
Scream Queens is a horror anthology raising money for #PutTheNailInIt, a charity focused on helping domestic violence victims. Now get ready to dive in, and Hush Little Baby, don’t say a word. Stella will read you a horror tale.
Contributing Authors:
Ally Vance, Faith Ryan, Emery LeeAnn, Michelle Brown, Krystle Able, JM Walker, Virginia Lee Johnson, Shannon Youngblood, Willow Ridley, and Taryn Steele
Learn more about #PutTheNailInIt
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