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The Devil's Syndicate Series by Sarah Bailey ➱ Series Tour with Giveaway

The Devil's Syndicate Book 1 
by Sarah Bailey 
Genre: Dark Mafia Reverse Harem Romance 

Four of them. One of me. Who will give in first? 

It started when they stole me from my life. The daughter of a crime lord who ruled with an iron fist. The heir to a family of blood and ruin. 

They left only a whisper of a name in the air. Il Diavolo. A man whose reputation preceded him. Ruthless. Merciless. Cunning. 

The one they called the Devil. He was as beautiful as he was terrifying. Except I wasn't scared of him or his three friends. They might want to use me in their quest for revenge, but they picked the wrong girl. Or maybe I was the right one and none of us knew it quite yet. 

Our connection is undeniable. Our fates are entwined. But loyalty and lies keep us all locked in a battle of wills and denial. 

There’s only one thing I know for certain in this fight between the five of us. Secrets always catch up with you in the end. And my secrets were the worst ones of all. 

A dark reverse harem series with cliffhangers and drama in abundance and a HEA in the final book. 

Get ready to meet Ash and her boys - Quinn, Xavier, Eric and Rory. 

The Devil's Syndicate Book 2 

Two become three. Lies, lust and betrayal. Who will fall first? 

It started when I chose to remain with them. The ones who took me from my life and changed all the rules. 

The chains binding me to my family loosened their hold. Little did I know that by taking me, Quinn and his friends began the long process of setting me free. And even as I got closer to the boys, the past always held us back. Keeping our feelings at bay. 

The questions plagued me. Where did my loyalties lie? Who could I trust? And the biggest one of all. Could I really go against everything I knew to be with the four people who kept me captive to use me against my father? 

Our secrets brought us closer. Our lies tore us apart. And it became crystal clear that every decision you make in life comes at a price. 

A dark reverse harem series with cliffhangers and drama in abundance and a HEA in the final book. 

Get ready for more of Ash and her boys - Quinn, Xavier, Eric and Rory. 

The Devil's Syndicate Book 3 

Three mixed with four. The captive became an ally. Who will break first? 

It started when they betrayed me. The ones who I’d come to trust. The ones I was starting to love. 

My world flipped upside down and nothing is as it seems. Everything was unravelling before my eyes, tearing us apart whilst pulling us closer together. 

I’m caught between two worlds. The one I grew up in and the one I’d started to forge with the boys. Everything came to a grinding halt when long hidden secrets came to light. The truth changed the rules and made us realise nothing in life is ever as it seems. 

Sometimes the only way out of a situation is through. Never before had been truer when it came to the five of us and our future together. 

Did we have a future? Or was everything too much for us to handle? The pieces were starting to fit together, but there’s always something holding us back. My family. My loyalty. My duty. And whether to throw it away or stand and fight by their sides. 

A dark reverse harem series with cliffhangers and drama in abundance and a HEA in the final book. 

Get ready for more of Ash and her boys - Quinn, Xavier, Eric and Rory. 

The Devil's Syndicate Book 4 

Four seek their fifth. The hunter devours his prey. Who will lose first? 

It started with an impossible choice. One I had no wish to make from a person who’d only just come to know. 

So many of our decisions had led up to this moment. Perhaps it was the way we’d come together which threw my life so off balance. Leaving me with the final say in a matter I wanted no part of. 

We had to draw up the battle lines. Change our fates. Or we’d all crash and burn. It wasn’t a case of if we’d fight for survival, it was when. When would he come after us? When would he try to destroy us? When would he decide I wasn’t worth saving any longer? 

The inevitable hung over us like a dark cloud. A time bomb waiting to go off. No matter how many times we tried to stay ahead, we were always one step behind. And it was perfectly clear, we had to be prepared to go to war or we might end up with nothing at all. 

A dark reverse harem series with cliffhangers and drama in abundance and a HEA in the final book. 

Get ready for more of Ash and her boys - Quinn, Xavier, Eric and Rory. 

The Devil's Syndicate Book 5 

Together. Apart. Where does it end? 

It started with the war. The war we’d wage upon the very man who’d raised me. The war which would either tear us apart or keep us together. 

We’d finally found our way to each other. The five of us gave in. It’d been inevitable from the start. Desire had forged us, but it was love which set us free. Made us into what we were. A family drenched in blood. 

Everything had built up to this moment. Our final fight for survival. Our final battle against corruption. Quinn, Xavier, Eric and Rory were the ones I had to protect at all costs. Even if it meant I sacrificed parts of myself in the process. 

We had so much to live for. So much to lose. Would we really win this? Would we come out the other side? Would we still be whole? And the very last question I had… Is the love we share really enough for all of us in the end? 

A dark reverse harem series with cliffhangers and drama in abundance and a HEA in the final book. 

Get ready for the final chapter of Ash and her boys - Quinn, Xavier, Eric and Rory. 

Excerpt 1
I scanned the room again until my eyes fell on a group of men in the corner. Normally I wouldn’t give a shit who Papa had invited to these things. This group I hadn’t seen before. Four of them. All equally striking in their own right. One had dirty blonde hair with a scar running across his right eyebrow. Another had chestnut hair with dark eyes the colour of an evergreen forest. The third slouched against a bookcase with a whisky tumbler in his hand, his auburn hair glinting under the lights and his blue eyes piercing. It was the last man who caught my attention. He had dark hair and eyes as black as night. He looked like he’d walked right out of hell, wearing all black with a single red handkerchief in his suit pocket. The look in those dark eyes as he scanned the room with a sneer on his face sent a chill down my spine.
If I was the superstitious type, I’d say these men were a bad omen. Something about them made me want to shrink into the background so they couldn’t see me. Especially the dark-haired one. He could gut a woman with a single glance. I decided then and there, I never wanted to make their acquaintance.
“Who are they?”
“I advise you not to ask that question, Ashleigh.”
I turned to her, my eyes wide.
“Why not?”
“Forget you saw them. They’re not men you want to know.”
My mother’s eyes were narrowed. She gripped her glass of champagne tighter. Her reaction only confirmed my suspicions. They were not good men. Why were they at my father’s party? How had they gained entry?
“Don’t. Stay far away from them. Promise me you won’t go looking for trouble.”
As if. I knew what type of men graced this world. Growing up with hardened criminals changes a person’s perception. You’d think Papa might have shielded his own daughter from the horrific nature of his business. No such luck there.
“I won’t.”
She eyed me for a moment longer before nodding and sauntering off towards the games room where my father was gambling. I decided I’d seen enough. Papa expected me to make an appearance tonight, and that was it. I’d done his bidding, now it was my time to escape.
Glancing around one last time, my eyes lingered on the man from hell. His eyes were fixed on the open doors of the gaming room where my father could be seen laughing. The rage and hatred in his eyes were unmistakable. Whatever problem he had with Papa, it was no concern of mine.
I slipped from the room into the hallway and walked towards the stairs. That’s the last thing I remember of that night. My foot landing on the first stair before a hand slammed over my mouth and the sharp sting of a needle slicing through my flesh. I never got a chance to scream. Darkness overtook me, dragging me down as my body slumped against a solid chest and all my senses faded to black.

Excerpt 2
Knox walked into a room and set me down on the floor by the back wall. I slumped against it, only just getting the feeling back in my limbs. He grabbed my wrist roughly and attached a steel cuff to it.
“Why won’t you tell me who you are? I’ve seen all your faces, not like you’re being very secretive.”
He didn’t look at me as he picked up something else from the floor and gathered up my hair with one hand. He snapped a steel collar around my neck with a chain attached to it. If I thought it was worth it, I’d have complained about him chaining me to the wall. His general attitude towards me told me it would fall on deaf ears. He dropped my hair and stood up. His dark eyes raked over me, hunger burning inside them.
“You’re far too curious for your own good.”
“I’m not what you expected, am I?”
He cocked his head to the side. He was wearing all black again. Whilst Xav had been all bulging muscles, the demon from hell was more athletic in build. He’d carried me with ease, which meant he had upper body strength in spades. He flexed his hands at his sides.
“I’m sure you heard what they called me.”
Ignoring my question, I see.
He let out a low hum of agreement.
“That’s not your first name.”
His eyes narrowed and he took a step towards me, his feet nudging against my bare thigh. I flinched back away from him.
“And how would you know that, little girl?”
I almost spat at him for calling me that again.
“I’m not stupid that’s how.”
“Clearly not. Stupid little girls would be screaming and begging for their lives right now.”
I shrugged. No point in begging a demon for mercy. Monsters didn’t deal in mercy and kindness. They dealt in death and destruction.
“I’m under no illusions about my father and the kind of company he keeps. You don’t scare me.”
“I’m not in business with your father,” he spat, venom seeping from his words.
“No, I’m sure it’s all just some convoluted revenge plot you’ve cooked up because you think he’s wronged you. You’re not the first man to want Papa dead. You won’t be the last.”
I could tell Knox wasn’t happy with my response. His eyes narrowed to slits and his fists clenched by his sides.
“You think you know everything, Ashleigh Vittoria Russo.”
He squatted down on his haunches, his eyes hardening. Reaching out, he gripped my face and forced me to look at him.
“You have no idea what kind of man I am or what I’m capable of.” He leant closer until his nose was almost brushing against mine. “Unless you wish to wake the beast, I suggest you keep your smart remarks and questions to yourself. I’ll take pleasure in punishing you if you keep pushing me.” His eyes lowered to my mouth. “I can think of many ways to punish that smart mouth of yours. Many, many ways, sweetheart. Don’t think I won’t follow through. I don’t care who your father is nor am I scared of what he’ll do when he finds out I have his little princess.”
My bottom lip trembled. For the first time since I’d woken up, my confidence wavered. Isabella said they weren’t men I wanted to know. Knox’s words confirmed that for me. The conviction in his voice had my heart racing in my chest. What kind of man wasn’t afraid of Frank Russo? A man who possessed more darkness than the head of the Russo family himself.
“Do you know what your family call me?” he whispered, his breath fluttering across my face.
I shook my head.
“Il Diavolo.”
I’d been right. Knox had walked out of hell itself. And he was known by two words.
The Devil.
“But you, Ashleigh, may call me Quinn.”
“It’s Ash,” I whispered.
I had no idea why I told him that. My mother and father insisted on calling me Ashleigh, but everyone else referred to me as the boss’ daughter or just Ash.
His eyes flickered with heat for a moment before it was gone. Then he stood, turned and walked away. I stared at his back, realising just how much I didn’t understand about what was happening to me. He hadn’t explained anything. Not really.
He paused in the doorway, turning back to me slightly.
“If you think you can cry to the others, you’d be mistaken. You belong to me now, Ash.”
Before I had a chance to formulate a response, he walked out of the room and the door slammed shut behind him.
Quinn Knox is the devil incarnate, was the first thought I had. The second was I happened to be screwed. Well and truly screwed.

Excerpt 3
“You need to get your shit straight,” he murmured. “You can’t let this girl blind you.”
“What makes you think she has?”
He gave me one of his signature looks. Rory. Ever the silent stoic type. Only speaking when he had something important to say. Everything else was conveyed with a single look.
“Spit it out already. I’m tired of having to work out what you’re trying to say without words.”
He shoved off the wall and walked over to my desk, taking a seat in front of it. He tapped his fingers on his thigh.
“Xav and Eric don’t know you like I do.”
My eyes flicked back to the monitors again. Rory knew exactly what I’d do to little Ash Russo if I had half the chance. We met Xavier and Eric in school, but Rory and I had grown up next door to each other. We knew what it was like to rise from the ashes of the shitty lot we’d been given in life. We kept each other’s dark and depraved secrets.
His stare told me exactly what I needed to know.
“I’m not going to touch her.”
His eyes flicked towards the monitors and back to me. I knew Rory’s type. Little angelic girls who liked a man to do depraved shit to them. Ash fit the bill in some of those respects. Quite honestly, I think she fit the bill for all four of us even if Xav and Eric were preoccupied with each other.
“You don’t believe me.”
He shrugged, continuing to tap his fingers on his thigh.
“Talking to you is like pulling teeth, you know that, right?”
“Says the man who doesn’t know when to shut up.”
Touché old friend.
I flashed him a grin.
“Are you going to stop me if I do?”
I wasn’t sure I trusted myself not to if she chose to provoke me further. What I needed was to stay away. The boys could take care of her.
“You’re going to do what you want regardless of my intervention.”
I shrugged and ran a hand through my hair.
“Don’t touch her, Quinn. You know it will only lead to trouble.”
Rory had a point. We had her here for a reason and that had nothing to do with my innate urge to have my way with her. The things I’d do to that lithe body.
Stop thinking about her like that.
“I won’t.”
His eyes roamed over my face.
“You will.”
I didn’t answer. He stood up, nodded at me and walked towards the door.
“For the record, nothing has happened between Eric and Xavier. If it had, I would know.”
“They need to get on with it then. I’m tired of those longing looks E gives Xav.”
“You should worry more about yourself and the girl.”
Fuck Rory. Fuck him knowing everything about me.
I sat back and stared at the monitors. A part of me wanted to reach out and touch the screen as if I could stroke her hair back from her face. She looked very much like her mother but so much younger and infinitely more angelic. Deceptive which made her dangerous. Too fucking dangerous.
I had to reign in any urges I had towards her. Regardless of her sins, those were not part of the plan. We had her for a reason and jeopardising that could cost us everything.

What are your top 10 favorite books/authors?
Bait by Jade West
Birthday Girl by Penelope Douglas
The Cane Series by Shanora Williams
Cold Cole Heart by K. Webster
The Ribbon Duet by Pepper Winters
Priceless by Miranda Silver
The Crimson Elite Series by T.L. Smith
Undead and Unwed by MaryJanice Davidson
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein
Fir Lodge by Sean McMahon

Do the characters all come to you at the same time or do some of them come to you as you write?
It’s a bit of both. My main characters tend to come to me around the same time, but my side characters will often come to me as I write. I guess this a product of me not plotting my books out, but they pop up when I need them to, which works for me.

Do you see writing as a career?
Yes. This is what I do full time for a living now and have been for over a year which is pretty exciting for me. When I started, it was my goal to be able to make this my career so to have done that in three years is such an achievement for me.

Do you read yourself and if so what is your favorite genre?
I’m an avid reader. My favourite is obviously romance, but I typically read a lot of dark romance as that’s what I write. I’m a HUGE fan of forbidden romances, age-gaps, bad boys (I’m absolute trash for them) and anything that’s real, raw and gritty.

Do you prefer to write in silence or with noise? Why?
I write to music. I find it incredibly inspiring. It sets the mood for me. Writing in silence doesn’t always jam with me unless it’s late at night and I’m in bed writing on my phone. Then I don’t want to disturb my husband so no music.

Do you write one book at a time or do you have several going at a time?
I used to write one book at time, but now, I have several going at one time. Usually I’ll be writing only one book at a time, but often I’ll be editing another in between.

Describe your writing style.
I write very character driven narratives, so whilst there’s always a plot behind it, the characters are the ones guiding the story along. I like to get down to the nitty gritty of their feelings and emotions which is why I write mostly in first person point of view. It makes for a more intense story as I essentially live and breathe my characters the entire time I’m writing them and that comes across in my writing.

What makes a good story?
Any story has to make me feel something for the characters, but a good story will make me laugh, cry and scream over them. I want to love them or hate them, but they have to feel like actual characters. The story needs to have enough conflict to keep me routing for them. And it definitely has to be well paced. You don’t want to rush it or for it to go too slow.

What is your writing process? For instance do you do an outline first? Do you do the chapters first?
I usually start out with a flash of a character or a situation in my head. Then I let that sit for a bit until a story or an idea starts to form properly in my head. I’m not a huge planner, so I usually just jump in and start writing at this point. I’ll make character notes if I’m writing a series, but I keep most of the story in my head. I have a critique partner who gets my chapters as I write them, and she helps me keep the story on track. I’m able to bounce my ideas off her, which often gives me a clearer picture as to where I go next.
To be honest, my characters tend to just take control after I start and direct the story. I’m just along for the ride. It can be a lot of fun, but also incredibly frustrating when they decide to throw a spanner in the works and I have to write my way out of it. No one said writing was easy. I always manage to end up with a coherent story at the end of it, so I must be doing something right.

Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?
Honestly, a little bit of both. I like to put my own stamp on my stories whilst still writing within the scope of my romance sub-genre. I’ve been told you can definitely tell you’re reading a Sarah Bailey book regardless of what I write. I do also feel like I’ve got to deliver on what readers are expecting from me. That means most of my books come with a high heat warning! I think I outdid myself with this new series. There may be a scene involving all five characters in the last book, but you’ll just have to read it to find out how that comes about!

What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?
I’d say making sure they sound and behave like men. I like my men in books to sound realistic, so I try to write all of my male protagonists with that in mind. It’s not always to achieve. One of my best friends and readers is a guy who has never once complained about my approach to writing men, so I must be doing something right.

How long on average does it take you to write a book?
Roughly about a month. It really depends on the length of the book and whether I’m writing more than one at a time. I’m a fast drafter and mostly I edit as I write so by time the book is done, it’s a very clean draft. It saves me a lot of time during the editing process.

Sarah writes dark, contemporary, erotic and paranormal romances. She adores all forms of steamy romance and can always be found with a book or ten on her Kindle. She loves anti-heroes, alpha males and flawed characters with a little bit of darkness lurking within. Her writing buddies nicknamed her 'The Queen of Steam' for her pulse racing sex scenes which will leave you a little hot under the collar. 

Born and raised in Sussex, UK near the Ashdown Forest where she grew up climbing trees and building Lego towns with her younger brother. Sarah fell in love with novels when she was a teenager reading her aunt's historical regency romances. She has always loved the supernatural and exploring the darker side of romance and fantasy novels. 

Sarah currently resides in the Scottish Highlands with her husband. Music is one of her biggest inspirations and she always has something on in the background whilst writing. She is an avid gamer and is often found hogging her husband's Xbox. 

$15 Amazon, Swag Pack - signed character postcards for the 5 main characters & a bookmark 

(1 winner each) 

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