Title: In a Heartbeat
Author: Adina D. Grey
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: 11th February 2021
Buy Link: https://books2read.com/u/4A7yZk
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Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56816742-in-a-heartbeat
Hosted by Phoenix Book Promo
I knew things were bad with Natalie... you have a third sense for this sort of thing, I guess. But I never expected to find a newborn baby in front of my door, certainly not my own.
It was the cries that drew me. For once, my terrified and broken heart lurched at the thought of another innocent life needing my help. No longer held back by the fear of my past but being dragged by a maternal instinct that’s always been lurking under the surface.
What will happen when my past catches up? Do I even deserve a chance to be happy? And am I willing to drag them into it with me?
Madison has had her experiences with bad ex's as well and she isn't looking to form bonds but when she sees Jace needs a helping hand with his new little bundle ...
Some things just can not be ignored
I was a bit surprised at the amount of story this author fits into this novella. Enough to give you a taste and a HEA but not truly enough to get you fully vested.
Actually, a perfect lunchtime or beach read
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