Title: Betrayal At Sea
Series: Cruisin’ Around
Author: AnnaMarie Gardner
Genre: Murder Mystery
Buy Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09RHWZGXM/
Release Date: February 1, 2022
Betrayal and murder, two likely bedfellows. Who done it and why two very important questions. Who is the murderer? Who is behind it all ?
Author Bio: Best Selling author, who loves fantasy, fairies and the whole paranormal world. Her first passion was writing poetry, which developed from the love of reading at a very early age. She has been spreading her wings in anthologies allowing her to explore so many genres.
She is a wife and mom of two amazing teens. Her family contributes to her active imagination and her passion for writing. Her daughter shares her love of the written word
Social Links: https://linktr.ee/AnnaMarieGardner
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