Title: Peaceful Chaos
Series: Pretty Monsters #3
Author: Kimberly Carrillo
Genre: Dark Romance
Release Date: Sept 30th
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Raven and I fought for peace and found it inside chaos and bloodshed. Our life will never be perfect. There are too many victims, too much pain for us to wrap our happy ending in a bow.
Not that a perfect ending matters to us, because that isn’t who we are. We found each other through pain, and tied ourselves to each other in ribbons of trauma.
Everything else might be up in the air, but I know one thing for sure. Raven is my everything, and I’ll resurrect my inner monster to keep her.
This is the conclusion to the Pretty Monsters Trilogy. No Cliffhanger and an HEA.
Trigger Warning: This book contains flashbacks of abuse that may disturb readers.
Kimberly Carrillo is a storyteller from the Pacific Northwest, currently living in a small town with her teenage son and a house full of pets. The author of the romantic suspense Destroy Series, and other books, Kimberly writes tales of beautiful, messy love. When she isn’t reading or out supporting her son at sports events she can be found moving a cat off her keyboard so she can help the heroine find the love that she deserves.
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